Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania 10 years report 2004 - 2014

Ten years of protecting landscapes and communities in Transylvania. Fundatia ADEPT has been working since 2004 to protect the nature-rich, farmed landscapes of Transylvania, and to support the traditional farming communities who have created them over centuries and who maintain them today.

RBAPS Final Report 

RBAPS - Results-Based Payments for Biodiversity: A New Pilot Agri-Environment Scheme for the Tarnava Mare and Pogány Havas Regions

A “results-based” agri-environment scheme which is targeted at High Nature Value hay meadows, rewarding practical management that produces good quality hay and protects wild species.

The project was founded by DG Environment and Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)

Rural Development and High Nature Value Farmland in Romania Final Report 

Project co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the swiss contribution to the enlarged European Union.

Romania is home to the most extensive and best-preserved HNV farmlands in Europe. HNV farming offers a series of economic possibilities for the development of regions, through employment and economic growth. Preserving and boosting the social, economic and environmental values of Europe’s most important HNV farmed landscapes, by bringing an innovative approach which can increase prosperity while protecting the sustainable use of natural resources were the main objectives of the project.

CAP Information Measure Final Report 

Demonstration markets, raising international awareness of CAP support for sustainable agriculture responsive to Europe’s social expectations. The project reinforced the links between the CAP, consumers’ aspirations, and the motivation of small-scale farmers to continue to produce healthy food through sustainable agriculture, in Romania and also in other Central and Eastern European countries.

SCI Târnava Mare - Saving Transylvania's Most Important Pastoral Ecosystems

A detailed report on the activities done under LIFE STIPA Project, presenting the reasons for the project, the description of dry grasslands chosen to be studied, ADEPT's accomplishments and vision for the future.

STIPA Târnava Mare SCI: Saving Transylvania’s Important Pastoral Ecosystems

This is the After-LIFE plan for the STIPA project: AIM: to improve the conservation status of two priority dry grassland habitats in the Sighișoara -Târnava Mare SC (6210* Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (*important orchid sites) and 6240* Sub-pannonic steppic grasslands). This plan should be read in connection with the Conservation Action Plan produced in December 2012, which was created based on dry grassland habitat inventories, field studies and consultation with the farmers and local authorities of the communes of the STIPA project area.

Orchard Conservation Report

The old fruit trees play a key role in the agro-biodiversity chain and thus the need to protect them is high. Currently they are under threat. Some of them have been cut down and there are not new ones planted. The current document refers to the methological steps used in order to identify the target area for the project and also includes some conservation issues and legal aspects.

Report on Integrated Management Agro-Biodiversity Recommendations within the Agro-Ecosystem Framework of Angofa-Sighișoara

This report analyses the situation of agro-ecosystems and various elements of the biodiversity within the Angofa-Sighisoara objective, Mures County, constituting a documentation underlying the development of management recommendations and good measures organic farming practices that effectively combine farming practices with keeping a farm landscape as natural as it has raised biodiversity.

Sheepfold Innovation System Report 

The project report, revealed a number of limitations and needs for the members of a sheepfold. Based on the evaluation of the challenges and considering the discussions with the shepherds involved in the project, a series of measures were proposed, aiming to improve the sheepfolds conditions.

Our Strategic Partners

Biodiversity conservation and community development in Transylvania