UNISECO H2020 Issue brief: Mainstreaming the practice of composting in Romanian farms through an integrated package of financial and technical assistance
Thursday, 27 May 2021
Issue brief from the Romanian case study in the H2020 UNISECO project. UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about the project: https://uniseco-project.eu/ This project has
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UNISECO H2020 Policy brief: Support the economic viability of the majority of Romanian farms by investing nationally in storage and processing facilities
Thursday, 27 May 2021
Policy brief from the Romanian case study in the H2020 UNISECO project. UNISECO is a European research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems. Learn more about the project: https://uniseco-project.eu/ This project has
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FASP -Facilitarea Autodepășirii prin Stagii de Practică
Friday, 19 February 2021
Echipa de implementare a FASP -Facilitarea Autodepășirii prin Stagii de Practică le-a prezentat elevilor din clasa a IX-a a Colegiului Tehnic Transilvania Brașov, profil Tehnician aviație, beneficiile cooptării în grupul țintă al proiectului axat pe organizarea unor stagii de practică. Multiplele avantaje prevăzute de acțiunile incluse i-au convins pe elevi, care au și fost programați
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