The general objective of FarmBioNet is to stimulate and promote the exchange of knowledge and the integration of research and practices related to biodiversity-friendly farming (BFF), ensuring that they are applicable and adapted to the needs of farmers and foresters across Europe.
- Creating a European Network for Biodiversity in Agriculture: This includes establishing a European thematic network and 12 national networks that connect farmers, researchers, consultants, and other relevant stakeholders.
- Detailed Analysis of Current Practices: The project analyzes biodiversity-friendly practices, knowledge gaps, farmers' needs, and public and private incentives for biodiversity improvement.
- Collecting Best Practices and Research Findings: These will be synthesized and disseminated in a language accessible to farmers.
- Development of Practical Tools: Creating online tools such as an incentive navigator and a cost-benefit calculator to support the adoption of BFF practices.
- Communication and Dissemination: Developing attractive and user-friendly materials for farmers and presenting the project results to other relevant stakeholders.
Contribution to the EU's Strategic Objectives - FarmBioNet contributes to several priority objectives of the European Union, including:
- The European Green Deal: supporting the transition to climate-neutral agriculture that conserves biodiversity and protects the environment;
- The Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: creating resilient ecosystems by promoting nature-friendly agricultural practices;
- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): Integrating biodiversity requirements into direct payments and eco-schemes.
Benefits for Farmers and Communities
- Farmers will have access to practical tools and educational materials that will facilitate the adoption of biodiversity-friendly practices;
- Rural communities will benefit from a sustainable agricultural economy and a healthier natural environment;
- By directly involving farmers in the decision-making process, the project promotes participatory methods, ensuring that the solutions provided are relevant.
Strengthening National and European Networks - FarmBioNet will support the development of 12 national biodiversity networks, connecting farmers, researchers, authorities, and other relevant stakeholders. These networks will facilitate the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and solutions tailored to local needs.
A significant aspect of the project is the focus on agriculture in Natura 2000 areas. These areas depend on the continuity of biodiversity-friendly practices to maintain their characteristics. However, the designation of these areas has often raised concerns and resistance from farmers. The FarmBioNet project aims to provide positive examples of local collaborative solutions that can overcome these obstacles and facilitate the maintenance of socio-economically viable agricultural activities in these protected areas.
The FarmBioNet project results will contribute to the modernization of agriculture and the implementation of the European Green Deal and Farm to Fork objectives by disseminating knowledge, promoting innovation, and fostering digitalization.
Main Results of FarmBioNet:
- Creating an efficient knowledge exchange network between farmers, foresters, researchers, and other agricultural stakeholders;
- Collecting and distributing best practices and research findings that are ready for implementation;
- Ensuring the long-term maintenance and accessibility of knowledge through trusted dissemination channels frequently used by farmers;
- Increasing the flow of practical information at the European level, facilitating experience-sharing between regions;
- Accelerating the adoption of innovative solutions by connecting relevant actors, policies, and projects to promote co-creation and the rapid implementation of innovations.
FarmBioNet will persist in disseminating and communicating results for a minimum of 5 years beyond the project's duration, aligning with the post-project sustainability plan.