In summer 2011 Fundatia ADEPT received a grant, under the EU Information Measure, to carry out a project using traditional farmers markets, linked to modern branding and promotion, to create media interest and using the news stories created to promote the message that the CAP supports sustainable agriculture and employment in rural areas.
This media strategy was successful beyond expectations. The message was passed directly to over 55,000 people who attended three farmers markets, by personal contact with project staff and small-scale food producers. The message was also conveyed indirectly via print, radio and TV media to over 1.3 million people in Romania. The project efficiently delivered to a wide audience a message that was trusted by the public because it was supported by evidence from producers and markets.
The messages conveyed, of special importance in Romania, were that the CAP promotes sustainable agriculture, small-scale farmers, food diversity, and rural employment; and that the CAP recognises the value of the public goods provided by Romania’s small-scale farmers and their landscape: public health, food quality, food security.