Social Economy - Stimulating Economic Development in the Regions of Bucharest - Ilfov, Center, North West and South Muntenia - POSDRU / 173 / 6.1 / S / 148732


Funded by: Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Priority Axis 6: Promoting Social Inclusion, Key Area of ​​Intervention: 6.1 Developing the Social Economy

Project Duration: 2015 (1 year)

Budget:  182.795 Euro

Project Objectives

General Objectives

Develop 5 social economy structures and increasing the chances of sustainable integration on the labor market in social economy structures of 100 people (of which 50% women) from the Central, Northwest and South-Muntenia regions.

In the long term, the project will have positive effects due to the adaptation of activities to the specifics of the target group as well as to the local specificity and the integrated approach of the needs of its members.

Equip members of the target group with the skills needed to work in the social economy structures as well as to know, act, develop and to contribute to social cohesion.

Specific Objectives

  • Promoting the social economy at national and regional level as a flexible and sustainable tool for economic development and job creation.
  • Ensure a better social insertion of people living on guaranteed minimum income by strengthening their skills, competencies and self-esteem.
  • Reducing the dependence of people living on the minimum guaranteed income from social benefits and reducing their poverty rate.
  • Creating a constructive framework for counselling and professional guidance.

Social Economy Structures

The five social economy structures were set up to provide employment opportunities for people on minimum guaranteed earnings enrolled in the vocational training program and will have different activities to offer diversity in terms of job offer.






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Project Updates

As a partner in the project "Social Economy - Stimulating Economic Development in the Regions of Bucharest - Ilfov, Center, North West and South Muntenia POSDRU 173 / 6.1 / S / 148732" ADEPT established a social economy structure aiming to further support the  economic and social development of the communities in the Sighisoara-Târnava Mare area.

SES Fruleco HNV continues the activities of ADEPT to support small producers and, implicitly, to protect the High Nature Value (HNV) farmland in Transylvania. The small producers in the area, lacking sales and promotion experience, fail to overcome competitive barriers and often choose to abandon commercial activities that could increase their revenue. The social economy structure Fruleco HNV aims to support both small local producers and fruit pickers in the spontaneous flora. This enterprise is an economic sector on the border between the private sector (business) and the public (governmental) sector and is designed to generate innovative solutions for the social, economic and environmental issues of local community members.

The building where the enterprise operates is equipped with the necessary equipment for the collection, storage and processing of fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits, as well as jams and syrups and is also a regional collection and distribution center.

SES Fruleco HNV aims to contribute to local development and social cohesion, with a high potential for generating and maintaining stable employment. Currently, the social enterprise includes seven full-time employees, of which five persons belonging to vulnerable groups. The main objective is to eradicate poverty behaving responsibly towards environmental issues, not to maximise the profit.

This community enterprise also functions as a demonstration centre, it can be visited by other entrepreneurs as an example of good practice.

HNV SES Fruleco sells jams, frozen fruits, juices and preserves from Târnava Mare area. For more information about our products, please visit our online shop,

Managing Body & Contact

Cristi Gherghiceanu

Executive President - Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania

Our Partners

Biodiversity conservation and community development in Transylvania