On 24th February 2018, Fundaţia ADEPT repeated for the 8th consecutive year, its popular annual event dedicated to Family Farmers and Small-scale Producers from the Târnava Mare area, bringing together around 200 local farmers with the specialists who have contributed to the survival and prosperity of their landscapes.
The event has been organised every year, since 2011, by Fundatia ADEPT, who identified the need of the local farmers and producers to have an open dialogue with the authorities and specialists.
During the event, Fundatia ADEPT presented the ongoing projects and the impact they have on the local communities: Ecosystem services generated by High Nature Value agriculture, RBABS – a pilot project for agro-enviroment schemes, Development of a European Private Land Conservation Network – LIFE ELCN, how the brand of the area could bring added value to traditional products. Invited speakers were: Florentina Calugar presented the Local Development Strategy of the Local Action Group GAL Dealurile Târnavelor and a few examples of projects implemented so far and Cristina Iliescu made a short description of the eco-tourism destination – Colinele Transilvaniei (Transylvanian Hills). Mr Ovidiu Săvășcă, Director APIA Târgu Mureș had an interactive presentation on Agro-environment financial opportunities.
The joy of the event was fulfilled with the presence of the traditional dancing troup „Românașul” who made a demonstration of their art.
The event closed with the raffle in which Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania and their parteners offered different household gifts to the farmers .
THANK YOU to this edition’s partners for supporting the organization of our “Family Farmers and Small – Scale Producers Meeting” in 2018:
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