Milk Collection Points
ADEPT helped authorisation for 8 milk collection points in the villages in the area, and provided training and milk testing equipment to monitor maintenance of quality standards.

Brand of the area
Development of an umbrella brand for the area and all the products and services, which acts as a quality mark for local products. Târnava Mare branded products have established a good market in Romania.

Protecting Romania’s traditional products and adding value to them
Introduced a new measure in the Romanian National Rural Development Programme supporting the registration process and covering part of the cost and promoting the traditional and GI products.

Community Enterprise
Development of a basic model of a community-owned micro-processing unit for village-level food processing, enabling small-scale producers to meet the safety and hygiene regulations set out by the EU.

Innovative marketing
The Art of Dar is an innovative product that combines the unique food products of Transylvania with highest quality Transylvanian crafts and, at the same time, an innovative way of fundraising.