Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania, WWF-Romania and ProPark Foundation organized a European conference on 15 March 2016 to explain the agricultural model that placed Romania on the map of Europe as the owner of some of the largest agricultural and high nature value areas HNVF – High Nature Value Farmland). They occupy over 30% of the country’s agricultural area and are biodiversity poles as rarely found in other countries, as well as refugees for authentic, civilian civilization, and this endangered
During the conference we discussed the HNV concept, how it can offer a viable economic future for rural communities, provide healthy food and landscapes, and maintain the vital core of Romania’s cultural identity.
With participation of:
Carlo Petrini, President of Slow Food international
H.E. Mr. JeanHubert Lebet, Ambasador of Switzerland to Romania
Representatives of European Commission, World Bank, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests and Ministry of European Funds
Moderator: Dinu Criste, AgroTV
The event was attended by 159 participants.
09.00 09.30 Registration & Welcome Coffee
09.30 11.00 Session 1: HNV – an important global concept for supporting the food, farming and society that we aspire to
• Opening: H.E. Mr. Jean Hubert Lebet, Ambasador of Switzerland to Romania
• HNV in Europe and the world – Carlo Petrini, representatives of European Commission and World Bank
• HNV in Romania: why is Romania a European leader in HNV policy and practice – presentations from Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development, Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests
11.00-11.20 Coffee break
11.20-13.00 Session 2: The specificities and values of HNV farming
• What is HNV, exactly? Landscapes, biodiversity, farming practices, rural communities – Prof. Dr. Laszlo Rakosy, UBB Cluj; Clunie Keenleyside, Institute of European Economic Policy
• What have we learned about economic viability of rural communities using the HNV approach – ADEPT, WWF, Propark and Agridea
• Meet the local producers: farmers from 6 HNV areas in Romania
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-16.00 Session 3: Ways to improve the economic viability of HNV
• Other Swiss funded initiatives complementary to HNV – ADEPT, WWF
• Financing oportunities from European programmes which can help HNV areas and communities
• Panel discussion: constraints/problems, and opportunities/solutions Innovation and HNV
• Q&A Session. Open debate
16.00 17.00 Tasting HNV: opportunity to meet HNV producers from many areas of Romania and taste their products.
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