The selection of the target group for entrepreneurial training courses within the project “Entrepreneurship Develops Transylvania (ADA)” on the Romanian Start Up Nation Plus financing line will take place between March and August 2018. The project is targeted to cover to Central Region (Alba, Braşov, Covasna, Harghita, Mure, and Sibiu) and will finance 40 new non-agricultural businesses in urban areas.
We invite all people intersted in atending the training courses on entrepreneurial skills development to fill in the online questionnaire published on our website under Documents. Only the individuals fulfilling the recruitment conditions are eligible to apply.
After the evaluation of the questionnaires, all eligible applicants will be invited to provide at least the following documents: registration form in the target group, application to join the target group, copy of identity card / passport, copy of the last study document, consent statement on the use of personal data, self-declaration of belonging to the target group, self-declaration of avoidance of double funding, other documents proving the proof of beeing part of the target group (as appropriate: unemployment certificate, employee certificate, declaration on own responsibility that they are domestic, copy of pension proof, CUI copy or CIF for PFA). For any additional information you might need, please contact us at
The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020.