The selection of the target group for entrepreneurial training courses within the project “Entrepreneurship Develops Transylvania (ADA)” on the Romanian Start Up Plus financing line will take place between March and August 2018. The project is targeted to cover to Central Region (Alba, Braşov, Covasna, Harghita, Mure, and Sibiu) and will finance 40 new non-agricultural businesses in urban areas.
The selection of the target group will take place between March and August 2018. The project is addressed to Centru (Alba, Braşov, Covasna, Harghita, Mures and Sibiu) and will finance 40 new non-agricultural businesses in urban areas.
The target group is at least 300 individuals in the following categories:
• Unemployed
• Inactive people aged 18-64 who fall neither in the employed nor in the unemployed
• People who have a job and set up a business to create new jobs, including self-employed In the next period we will organize information events at the level of each county, where everyone interested in starting a new business is expected
Beneficiaries will be able to sign up for project activities by completing an online questionnaire, only if they meet the recruitment criteria. The questionnaire can be also accesed on the Facebook page. Project experts will follow-up on online applications and will organize meetings with those enrolled at each county level to check and take up registration forms in the project target group.
After completing the selection of the target group, we will organize entrepreneurial courses with 300 people (March – August 2018) in the Center region. After atending the trainings, the entrepreneurs will develop business plans that will be enrolled in a contest, and a jury of independent project professionals will select the best and most performing 40 ideas for funding.
Selected business plans will materialize by setting up 40 start-ups that will benefit from: 100% non-reimbursable financing (maximum 40,000 euros); internships for entrepreneurs in companies with the same field of activity as theirs; personalized counseling and mentoring; support for setting up a business and monitoring the implementation of the business plan. AT the same time the team project will propose measures to prevent any problems that may be encountered.
For more information about the project, please follow the project sections from the websites of the institutions involved, or contact us at project.ada.centru@asociatia-asura.ro.
The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020.