High Profile Visits

High-profile visits have had a big impact on local opinion as well as on policymakers’ understanding of the importance of these communities and landscape.

For many practical reasons, The Prince of Wales supports the work of the ADEPT Foundation, and others, who are protecting these landscapes and communities. The Prince of Wales sees no point in replacing something that works, on every level, with something that does not work, in the name of competiveness. The loss of these landscapes just as we are beginning to appreciate their full value would be a tragedy.

Read more about the visits

5 June 2018
Visit of His Royal Highness, Prince Charles at the ADEPT Foundation in Saschiz. HRH was updated on the status of rural development and biodiversity conservation projects carried out.
4 June 2016
The Prince of Wales walked in the hay meadows of Saschiz with his botanist, John Akeroyd, and Răzvan Popa of Fundatia ADEPT. They discussed the importance of the hay meadows.
15 March 2016
Mr. Carlo Petrini, President of Slow Food International, joins "High Nature Value - an answer to the challenges faced by Romania's Landscapes and Communities" International Conference
13 May 2014
His Royal Highness, Prince Charles, attending the ADEPT’s 10 years Anniversary at the Romanian Cultural Institute in London
20 April 2013
EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr. Dacian Cioloș, meets innovation
15 May 2011
His Royal Highness, Prince Charles, visits a model milk collection point and processing unit, serving the small-scale farmers of Saschiz
23 May 2009
His Royal Highness, Prince of Wales, officially opens the processing unit in Saschiz dedicated to small scale producers in Sighișoara - Târnava Mare area
8 May 2008
His Royal Highness, Prince of Wales, visited the ADEPT project in Saschiz
25 April 2005
Mr. Carlo Petrini, President of Slow Food International visits ADEPT Project

Watch our videos

See film clips below about ADEPT activities, nature & school projects and agriculture projects in Târnava Mare.

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Biodiversity conservation and community development in Transylvania