UK account
Account name: Fundatia ADEPT Ltd
Sort code: 20-03-18
Account number: 00353329
IBAN: GB52 BARC 2003 1800 3533 29
Bank name and address: Barclays, Market Square, Aylesbury
You can also send a cheque by post to The Secretary, Fundatia ADEPT Ltd, Upper Leigh Farm, East Knoyle, Salisbury SP3 6AP.
Since April 2004 people who complete a UK Self assessment tax return have been able to nominate a charity to receive all or part of any repayment due to them. IR Charities publish a list of participating charities from which donors can choose.
Fundatia ADEPT is registered as a charity in the UK (reg. no. 1121371) and therefore UK donations are eligible for tax relief under Gift Aid. The form that you need to complete for this simple process can be downloaded here and returned together with your donation.